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What We Do

We aim to provide a comprehensive range of mental health care and support options for Cambodians. We do this through a range of structured Programs – many of them community-based – as well as our Treatment Center in Phnom Penh. Our Training Center offers a wide range of training options for professionals as well as all those who want to build or expand their knowledge and skill in the field of mental health, to the benefit of all Cambodian citizens. We also conduct Research in the field of mental health and offer Consultancy. Throughout all our work, we tirelessly promote mental health care and psychosocial well-being, and advocate for improved mental health care services in Cambodia.


Thanks to the support of various international donors we are able to run a range of grass-roots projects throughout the country aimed at increasing the mental health and well-being of specific target groups and strengthening the mental health care system in Cambodia. Target groups include, but are not limited to: torture and trauma survivors, prisoners, survivors of gender-based violence under the Khmer Rouge, survivors of present-day gender-based violence, disadvantaged rural women, people with a drinking problem and patients presenting a variety of mental health conditions. These programs also aim to bring about positive change in Cambodia’s mental health system and society at large. Causes we strive to contribute to through these programs include, among others:

  • Transitional Justice
  • Reconciliation & Healing
  • Truth-seeking
  • Preventing Torture
  • Combating Gender-Based Violence
  • Improving Prison Conditions
  • Improving Access to Justice
  • Gender Equality
  • Strengthening the collaboration between mental health services at the hospital level and community mental health services.
  • Enhancing the capacity of health workers and community resource people
  • Contributing to research about mental health in Cambodia

Much of the work we do is linked to – and contributes to – conflict resolution, peace building and social justice.


TPO’s Treatment Center in Phnom Penh is at the core of TPO’s work. It is where we provide out-patient consultation for all types of psychosocial and psychological problems and psychiatric disorders, ranging from stress at work, conflict with friends, self-esteem issues, problems at school, grief, and trauma to severe psychiatric disorders such as bipolar disorder, psychosis and schizophrenia. Our 3 psychiatrists, 2 psychiatric nurses, general nurse, 15 psychologists and 2 senior counselors deliver a wide range of mental health services such as individual counseling, group counseling, family counseling, psycho-education and psychiatric treatment. Some of our clients who we are working with through our grass-roots programs also receive services through our Treatment Center in Phnom Penh. The Treatment Center operates from Monday to Friday, 8am–12pm and 1–4pm and can be reached on 023 63 66 991. It also operates a hotline that can be reached at any time onXXXXXXXXXX


TPO is also a recognized Training Center in the field of mental health care and psychosocial support. Our Training Team offers individuals, organizations and community groups a wide range of Mental Health training modules, all developed for relevance and application within the Cambodian context. TPO’s trainers are local experts in Mental Health and are qualified and highly experienced in the relevant professional fields such as mental health, psychology and education.


We also conduct research and provide consultancy, mostly in collaboration with partner organizations and research institutes. For an overview of our research topics and studies, go to our Research & Consultancy page.


Another component of our daily work is raising awareness across Cambodia about mental health, promoting mental health care and psychosocial well-being, and advocating for mental health services in Cambodia. In doing so, we aim to influence and bring about positive health policy change. Check this page for some of our work.


We also work on improving our own capacity as an organization and as individual members of staff to provide mental health care to Cambodians in the most effective, efficient and sustainable way possible. We can count on a number of organizations who support us with this