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Partnership for Improvement and Prevention

in Non-Communicable Disease (PIP-NCD)

Project description

Louvain Coopération au Développement (in short Louvain Cooperation or LC) is a Belgian NGO linked with the Université Catholique of Louvain (UCL) in Belgium. LC started its activities in Cambodia in partnership with government counterparts and local NGOs in 2004.

LC is a member of Uni4Coop, a consortium of four Belgian University NGOs that have decided to collaborate and reinforce their synergies and coordination to reach common objectives and maximise their impact. The other members of Uni4Coop are Eclosio, the NGO of the University of Liège; FUCID, the NGO of the University of Namur; and ULB Cooperation, the NGO of the Free University of Brussels. LC and Eclosio are the only Uni4Coop members active in Cambodia.

In 2023, LC continued to work with its Cambodian and international partners and collaborators in implementing a five-year (2022 – 2026) programme aimed at improving the living conditions of vulnerable rural populations in the two following sectors:

  • Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Mental Health, and
  • Sustainable Food Systems and Agroecology transition (in collaboration with the NGO Eclosio)

The Partnership for Improvement in Non-Communicable Diseases (PIP-NCDs) is a five-year project from 2022-2026. This project is mainly funded by the General Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs (DGD) of the Kingdom of Belgium, and the Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung (EKFS).


Expected outcomes and related results:

Outcome: The availability, accessibility and quality of mental health services in Chamkar Leu and Oreang Ov operational districts and the general prevention of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are improved, taking into account the differentiated impact on men and women.


Result 1: The technical knowledge among service providers and the referral system in an integrated mental health care approach are improved at community, health centers and district referral hospitals.

Result 2: Partners organizations dedicated to people with mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities are strengthened, empowered and gender sensitized.

Result 3: Community-based services to promote and prevent NCDs with gender lenses are strengthened.

Result 4: More evidence-based information for policy advocacy, through conducting regular research and action-research on clinic and community-based services to assist the process of clinical improvement, health systems development and information sharing mechanisms, is produced.


Donor and Contact

The Belgian Government, through the Belgian University NGO Louvain Coopération, is generously funding this project, which is a continuation of the health program TPO and Louvain Coopération (formerly known as Louvain Développement) have been running previously (2008–2013).  Check out

For more info, contact:

Mr Leap SEANG, TPO Project Coordinator,